Ready Made. Still fresh

Friday, August 12, 2005


Dosa is a favourite of everyone’s dish. With all those table top grinders weighing less than 5 kg, newly weds and Mrs.GreenCardholders carry it on their visit to India.

Others still find it difficult to miss their favourite item and found solace in weekend buffets in Udupi’s or Woodlands. The ready made packets can give you two dosa which is not enough. They are not great taste too. Don’t worry. Here is the ready made recipe.

Go to any Indian stores and pick up that “Urid flour” (around 500 gms, will come for atleast two months) and “Rice flour”. Most of the rice flour is packed in transparent bags. Make sure the one you pick are fine one. Those details will be on the cover.

The formula for preparing dosa batter is 1 cup of Urid (flour) with 4 cups of Rice (flour).

Take a big bowl and put 1 cup of urid. [How big should be the cup? To start with use 50 gms or the smallest glass cup you have.] Mix it with water and 1 tablespoon of salt and beat it using Egg beater. Leave it for an hour.

Then add 4 cups of rice flour with sufficient water and one tablespoon of salt. Beat it using egg beater. Beat it until all that is mixed up well and fine.

Is it ready to make? Nope. You should be patient enough to wait for a day to prepare DOSA. Leave the bowl covered in a warm place for 8 hours. Not in the freezer, dude. It needs heat to get fermented. You will see that batter ferments and becomes more in volume. Now it’s ready to make.

Heat your Dosa pan in the stove for 1 minute. Add one teaspoon of your favourite oil to the pan and spread all over the pan. Take one Ladle (karandi) of batter, pour it and spread on the pan. Add a teaspoon of oil around the dosa. Leave it for a minute. Use the Turner (dosai karandi) and flip the dosa. Otherwise you can fold it and take out.

Dosa is ready. You can prepare more than 20 dosas with this batter.

(read on chutneys)


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